Frequently Asked Questions...
Where'd you come from?
ChopArt originated in Cape Town, South Africa in 2010 as a for-profit initiative for recording company. The concept was to incorporate social enterprise into the revenue plan for our artists by partnering with the local school system for a music mentoring program. We jumped a few miles north to Hyderabad, India where we tested the program in the Affordable Private Schools from 2011-2012. What a wonderful privilege it was to see the students go from one level of esteem to another though art exploration! Finally, we made it back to the U.S.A. in mid-2012 when we decided to establish ourselves as a non profit organization. What's the name about? Chop (actually spelled "Shap") is a multi-functional term used in South Africa primarily by a young, vibrant and creative population. Since ChopArt was initiated in South Africa, we wanted to bring the energy of the term into our organization. ...So I guess you could say we're all about "cool, vibrant art". What do you do? We work on-site with homeless shelters, primarily, offering a three module art course, mentor-ship and impact assessment. Through our courses, we produce special events to spread awareness and generate revenue for our youth and programs. How do homeless shelters sign up? Just send an email! A ChopArt representative will schedule a meeting with you to discuss the unique variables of your organization and ways we can customize our program according to your needs. Who do you serve? We serve middle school to high school age youth in homeless situations. Why so vague? Because many youth are not living in shelters, if you are an educator and want to run ChopArt in your classroom, if you are connected to a domestic violence resource center, or if you work with homeless youth in any capacity please reach out to us so that we can design a model just for you. How long is the program? That's up to the specific factors of your organization. We can do six weeks or six months. Let's talk about it! How much does it cost? ChopArt does not charge for its services. Whoa, so how does it run? We are able to continue making a difference through the donations of loyal life-changers like you! To help us continue empowering youth, click here to contribute your gift. |